Robert is Here. Family and Event photographer in Homestead and Miami areas of Florida

Florida’s most famous produce stand was started when Robert’s dad, a farmer, set up a coffee table on the side of the road, loaded it with cucumbers, and erected a sign pointing in the direction of a small boy. “Robert Is Here, ’’ said the sign. The year was 1959. Robert was 7. In the 21st century, Robert is here still.

Address — 19200 SW 344th St, Homestead, FL 33034

Locations Guide

Robert is Here. Family and Event photographer in Homestead and Miami areas of Florida

The Florida Keys

One of America’s most unique motor journeys, the scenic 110-mile Overseas Highway combines ocean views, 42 bridges,...
Robert is Here. Family and Event photographer in Homestead and Miami areas of Florida

R. F. Orchids — Nursery and Shops

The legendary world of R. F. Orchids is a wonderland of tropical beauty with an amazing selection of fine orchids and...
Robert is Here. Family and Event photographer in Homestead and Miami areas of Florida

Schnebly Winery

Schnebly Winery, the Southernmost Winery in the United States, offers a unique selection of exotic tropical fruit...
Robert is Here. Family and Event photographer in Homestead and Miami areas of Florida

Coral Castle

The Coral Castle is an everlasting mystery to those who explore it.
Robert is Here. Family and Event photographer in Homestead and Miami areas of Florida

Everglades Alligator Farm

Do you want to get an unforgettable experience, have fun, see alligators and take some memorable photos? Visit...
Robert is Here. Family and Event photographer in Homestead and Miami areas of Florida

Wat Buddharangsi Buddhist Temple

This is a Miami’s hidden gem. Quiet and beautiful Buddhist temple surrounded by gardens. Very nice place to take...
Robert is Here. Family and Event photographer in Homestead and Miami areas of Florida

Aviary Bird Shop

One of the oldest and largest exotic bird shops in all of South Florida!
Robert is Here. Family and Event photographer in Homestead and Miami areas of Florida

Shiver’s BBQ Restaurant

It’s a piece of old Florida. One location, and worth a trip.